2007年11月15日 星期四

Nov 11

ChenHsi Wu
November 11 07
November 6
This morning was pretty cold, but once I into the bus, I began to perspire, because there was too many people on the bus. I very do not like crowd, it always made me tense up. Maybe I should change my time to wait the other bus.

November 7
I was so boring and tired in the discussion of class today. My group’s partners talked a lot about the famous stars of Japan and Korean, and oddly, they all could understand those people they talked about. I thought they must already watch a lot of sitcoms and movies.

November 9
Today, in the class, we watched the movie” Finding Forrester,” it was a pretty nice and peaceful movie. I had been a long time do not watch this kind of movie. Sometimes, if I watched those movies, it always cleans my mind from the boring and tired world. Maybe I will more often to watch this kind of movies.

2007年11月5日 星期一


Journal 1
Today was a boring day again. Once I waked up, it was already fourteen o’clock. That was meant I already slept for thirteen hours. Well, I was a little surprised that I could sleep such long time. But on the other way, if I waked up earlier, and then what could I do? I think there still would have no anything news for me. Therefore, I threw away every bad mood, and then went to watch the movie again. This movie was named “Resident Evil: Apocalypse.” It was talking about that human abused the biology for their desire, but unfortunately they made a lot of “zombie” to eat human. It was a nice movie. But after the movie was end, I suddenly thought that why there would so many movies about the zombie. Maybe it was very fearful for us to image our friends would eat us when we were not watching them.
Journal 2
I was very interesting for chess last few days. So, I used the internet to find some web’s chess games to play. In the beginning, I was always defeated by the computer for many times. But after many times of practices, I could win the computer finally. Maybe it was designed that computer could not win player too many times. Whatever, I would keep practice until I lost my interesting again.
Journal 3
Well, I do not know what should write now, so I just keep talk about what my thinking about those I have watched before. “Harry Potter” looked not bad, but unfortunately I already read the novel before, and that made the movie not so fun to me. Just like everyone said “Imagining always better than real,” that why I like to read the novels. Just like “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown. If you read the novel you would not want to watch the movie, because that would be very boring.

2007年10月31日 星期三


Friends’ Birthday
Last Tuesday was my friend’s birthday. It had been a long time I did not see my Taiwanese friends. I sent he a letter to congratulate for him, and he e-mail me for thank and gave me many photos of my friends. I really missed when I saw them in those photos, I hope we can keep our friendship for every.

I have a not good habit of my live now after I lived by myself. That is I always stay up all night. Well, I know it is not good for health and studying, but I was used to sleep in the afternoon, then, in the night I could not sleep until very late. I should not sleep afternoon, but sometimes I just so tired for everything, and sleeping was the best way to relax. Maybe I need to find out something interesting to make me wake up in the afternoon, that I can have a nice dream for the night.

After I came here, I always did not know to do what for my free time after school. I always just slept after the finish the homework then wake up in the night. And I would out of my mind for a long time and watched movies or playing computer games. Then, I would sleep a while in the evening. It just always the same for my live, it was quite boring that I wanted to find something else for me.

2007年10月24日 星期三

Stinkey Tofu

Stinky Tofu

Tofu is a food of Chinese origin, made by coagulating soy milk, and then pressing the
resulting curds into blocks.

Stinky Tofu maybe smell a little stinky for somebody, but actually it is very delicious.

Stinky tofu has been marinated in a brine made from fermented vegetables for as long as several months. The brine can also include dried shrimp, amaranth greens, mustard greens, bamboo shoots, and herbs.

2007年10月23日 星期二


Last weekend I went to a bookstore to look around. I really liked read novels when I was in my country. But after came to read a book became a difficult thing to me, so I was not so used to read novels now. And it was pretty boring without reading novel, so I sometime would go to the bookstore to find whether there had the new book. I hope my English can be improved to read a book easily.

Frame of Mind

After I came to America it had been three months, but I still could not speak good English. That made me a little despondent to myself. Maybe it was I did not practice enough in my living. I knew how to help myself that I need to more talk with my classmates, but it was a little hard to join them, because I did not what to say with them. Well, I still will try to talk with people; maybe what I need is more courage.


Last Thursday I was nothing to but just watched movies in my home after school. And I still not so used to watch movie without the film title, so half of movie I could not really understand what it talked about. Well, but it was very interesting to guess what were they doing. Maybe I will borrow more movies to watch with my friends.